Melanie Möller Apps

FilmKit 1.1
This is a beta version and still underdevelopment. If you find bugs please email [email protected] enables video designers and filmmakers on-the-go tounleash their creativity. The app allows you to transform everymoment into a director’s masterpiece.LAYERING EFFECTSYou can apply multiple effects, layer effects, undo effects as youlike or even reset the entire clip to default. You can also choosefrom a vibrant palette of overlays such as vintage, vignette,bokeh, etc., colour filters and a variety of quirky creativeeffects. No limit on how many effects you can apply. These featuresgive your videos a unique look!CREATE PERSONAL EFFECTSFilmKit lets you add a personal touch to your video by creating andapplying your own video effects. These can be named, saved andre-applied to any of your films. Give your movies a unique andpersonalised touch!REVIEW YOUR WORKWatch your clips back to see if you are happy with your work orelse undo effects or apply more quirky effects from FilmKit's paintboard.RESUME WORKING ON PROJECTSSave your work in progress and resume working on it whenever youwant. Let not time but inspiration lead your creative flow.SHARE WITH FRIENDSShare your unique cinematic creation instantly via Facebook,Twitter, email, Dropbox, etc.Hence, this is just the right tool for innovative smartphonefilmmakers, who want to share their special moments with a strongpersonal touch. Check out the screenshots and see yourself. Notethat this is a beta version and that we are still working on fixingbugs and on making more effects available.